
COVID-19 Vaccination Guidelines in Korea

 Preventive guidelines to overcome COVID-19!

Let us share with you the COVID-19 vaccination guidelines.😷

My prevention checklist for Vaccination Guidelines!

1. Receive vaccination when physical condition is good, and without fever and respiratory infection symptom.

2. Observe occurrence of any abnormal reaction by remaining at the vaccination facility for 15-30 minutes after vaccination.

3. After vaccination, observe if there is any abnormal reaction for at least 3 hours, pay attention for at least 3 days.

4. If experience severe fever over 39℃ or allergic reactions (rashes, swelling, etc.), or if common reactions occur at a level preventing normal daily activities, immediately seek medical attention. 

※Possible reactions after receiving vaccination include regional reactions such as pain, swelling and rubefaction in the injection area, and systemic reactions such as fever, fatigue, nausea, etc.
In general, such reactions will subside in few days.

Let's obey the distancing in daily life!

In addition, always follow the personal preventive guidelines such as wearing a mask, keeping social distancing and washing hands.