
Bakery Tour in Mangwondong - Ugly Bakery & Boulangerie Copain

Mangwon-dong offers many things to do and eat from Mangwon market to various restaurants, cafes and shops selling cute items, and it has become a popular place in Seoul all of a sudden. In this post, we will introduce two famous bakery shops in Mangwon-dong that you should visit when you go on a bakery tour.

#1 Ugly Bakery

The store is quite small so there isn't many tables available. Most of the customers order the bakery for take away.

There are many types of bread available here and it is hard to choose one from the best selling bread.

There are ang butter bread, black sesame bread with cute names and mammoth bread.

Besides that, there are also scones and hard dough bread so you have a lot of variety of bread.  Among all the bread, green onion bread, which was bought and praised by Lee Young-ja previously, is likely to be sold out early.

Ugly Bakery opens from 12 pm to 9 pm daily, and is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays. Since this place is popular, we recommend you to come here early if there is a specific type of bread that you would like to try.

If you order it as take away, they will put the bread in a brown paper bag with a cute face on the packaging.

Some of the popular bread at Ugly Bakery are - green onion bread, fig bread and cream cheese bread.

You will hardly see bread with green onions. Look! The visual is just so amazing. There is a generous amount of cheese and green onions.

This bread contains a lot of ingredients, so the taste is quite unique. Some people might not like this as it contains green onion but they also put a lot of cheese inside. For those who are adventurous and dare to try new food, we recommend you to give it a try.

The black sesame ang butter bread is delicious because of its combination of savory black sesame cream between the red beans and butter. For those who like black sesame dessert, we recommend you to try this.

Muhwagwa (fig) bread is filled with chewy and sweet figs in the bread. It is definitely worth the price as it is really delicious. The bread in Ugly Bakery are usually rich in ingredients, thus it is loved by many people.

[Information about Ugly Bakery]

1. Getting There : At AREX Digital Media City Station, Transfer to Subway Line 6 ▶ Get off at Mangwon Station, Exit 2, Walk 5 mins 

2. Address : 73 World Cup-ro 13-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul 

3. Opening Hours : Wed - Sun 12:00 - 21:00 / Closed on Mondays and Tuesdays 

4. Contact Number : +82-02-338-2018

5. Price : Green Onion Bread - KRW 6,300 /  Black sesame ang butter bread - KRW 4,200 / Muhwagwa (fig) bread - KRW 5,200

6. Instagram : http://www.instagram.com/uglybakery

#2 Boulangerie Copain

The next shop that we will introduce is the famous bakery shop named Boulangerie Copain that was also appeared in Masters of Living TV program. 

This shop also has a variety of bread and it is not easy to pick one and put in a tray because all of them are yummy and famous.

Some of the best selling items are basil crunch, scones, and cute cheeseball.

You can find other types of food such as croissant and palmier carre. 

In the TV program "Master of Living", they introduced this bakery shop as a famous baguette and croissant shop, but in fact all the bread taste so good and you will surely enjoy eating any bakery from here.

We bought the recent best selling items - basil crunch and green tea scone.

Basil crunch is a crispy bread filled with basil pesto and cream cheese.

The cream cheese contains finely chopped crispy onions. The combination of onion, aromatic basil pesto and crispy bread is so good. Because it's crispy, you can eat it immediately after you bought it, or bake it a little in an oven at home to enjoy the delicious taste as if it were freshly baked.

The scones from Boulangerie Copain are crispy rather than chewy/sticky. The green tea taste is not too strong, and the sweet white chocolate and streusel on top of the scone makes it sweet. It is recommended to enjoy this while drinking Americano or some warm tea.

These are the two recommended bakery shops that you must visit when you go to Mangwon-dong. It is definitely a perfect food to enjoy it at your home cafe. Buy your favorite bread home!

When you visit the bakery shop, please remember to follow COVID-19 preventive guidelines such as wearing mask, keeping social distancing, etc.

[Information about Boulangerie Copain]

1. Getting There :  At AREX Digital Media City Station, Transfer to Subway Line 6 ▶ Get off at Mangwon Station, Exit 2, Walk 14 mins 

2. Address : 115 Huiujeong-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul 

3. Opening Hours :  10:00 - 22:00 daily (Closed once all bread are sold out)

4. Contact Number : +82-2-326-2269

5. Price : Basil crunch - KRW 4,000 / Green tea scone - KRW 2,500 / Croissant - KRW 3,500