
Korea Incheon Airport Railroad Express brings you the magnificent sight of 'red mud flat'

People who arrive at Incheon International Airport go to downtown Seoul by mostly
taking Incheon Airport Railroad Express at this station bound for Seoul.

While foreign passengers are looking out of train windows during speedy drive by Incheon Airport Railroad Express, there is a magnificent area which makes foreigners exclaim. 

Approximately 10 minutes after the departure from Incheon International Airport station, when this train is approaching The Youngjong Grand bridge crossing the sea channel, the widely spreaded scenes come to appear in this area. 

The West Sea has the ebb and flow twice everyday and it offers different views according to time zone. When the flow comes in, passengers can witness curling waves to the seashore. When the tides withdraw from seashore, they can see grand mud flats emerged. The size of this mud flat including surrounding route area of Incheon Airport Railroad Express is vast enough to be evaluated as one of top five mud flat in the world.
From April to November, passengers can see the red plants fully painted over the surface of the mud flats which appear here and there in the ebb. The tourists by Incheon Airport Railroad Express are busy with exclaiming and pressing the camera shutter. The very plants painted red over the black mud flats are 'Chilmyeoncho'( Suaeda japonica Makino ), the halophyte which grow well in the salty mud flat.

The Chilmyeoncho which is inhabited in the mud flats have green stems and leaves in the spring. When the summer comes around, these plants gradually become red and even blossom red flowers. They show passengers the unique sights like unfolded red carpets over the mud flats.
The autumn in Korea is the foliage season to have leaves painted with reds. While people are passing along the mud flats near West Sea straight by Incheon Airport Railroad Express, they can see the unique red Chilmyeoncho, an impressive view of autumn sceneries. In particular, these views are popular with foreign tourists. The name of Chilmyeoncho came from the various kinds of colors like wild turkey.
Taking Incheon Airport Railroad Express means the beginning of pleasant travel. When you pass the West Sea route by Incheon Airport Railroad Express, the rare phenomenons of red mud flats are unfolded in front of you and then they make you feel excited. Carrying your camera is certainly advised to take the unforgettable moments on this route.  

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