
Tourist Information Center in Hongdae

Can't find the restaurant or cafe that you're looking for in Hongdae?
Need tour information in Seoul?
Stop by the tourist information center in Hongdae to obtain necessary information or to inquire something for your Korea trip.

1. AREX Travel Center in Hongik University Station

AREX Travel Center in Hongik University Station
AREX Travel Center in Hongik University Station
After you have taken AREX all stop train and get off at Hongik University Station, take the escalator up to B2 floor. You will be able to find AREX Travel Center.

What are some of the services provided at Airport Railroad Travel Center?
- Travel/Transportation information
- Baggage Storage and Delivery Services
- Coat storage services
- Sales of AREX Express Train ticket
- Baggage wrapping services
and many more.

- Location : Hongik Univ. Station (B2)
- Hours of operation : 08:00-21:00
- Inquiries : 02-334-0211

2. Hongdae Tourist Information Center

Hongdae Tourist Information Center
Hongdae Tourist Information Center

Hongdae Tourist Information Center
Hongdae Tourist Information Center

Hongdae Tourist Information Center is located strategically near the Hongdae main shopping street, and near the Hongdae art/performance street. To get here, get off at Hongik University Station Exit 9, walk straight till you come to a T-junction with traffic light. Turn left at the corner, and walk straight till you see Hongdae Tourist Information Center on your left.

You can get many types of brochures for tourist attractions in Seoul and tours to other cities. Besides that, you can also grab a copy of AREX magazine for FREE!

FREE AREX magazine in Hongdae Tourist Information Center
FREE AREX magazine in Hongdae Tourist Information Center

FREE brochures and Travel Information in Hongdae Tourist Information Center
Get some brochures and travel information in Hongdae Tourist Information Center

Trick Eye Museum Brochure
Trick Eye Museum Brochure with discount

If you are interested to visit Trick Eye Museum (in Hongdae), you can grab a copy of Trick Eye Museum brochure with 20% discount voucher from Hongdae Tourist Information Center.
- Location : near Hongdae shopping street / Hongik University Station Exit 9.
- Hours of operation : 10:00-22:00

Have a fun trip in Seoul! :)

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