
[KOREA] 5 Rules for Distancing in Daily Life

 *Current Situation In Korea*

South Korea has extended the social distancing measures (level 2 in Seoul and level 1.5 in other cities) for another two weeks.

For us to return to the safe daily life as soon as possible, and to overcome COVID-19, the social distancing rules have been reevaluated.

From individual infection control to community infection control, to checklists! Let's check it out.

Five Rules for Distancing in Daily Life

- Checklist for my own prevention -

FIVE basic rules for Individual

1. Stay home for 3-4 days if you're sick

2. Keep a distance of 2 arms' length between you and other people

3. Wash your hands for 30 seconds.
Cough/sneeze into your sleeve

4. Ventilate your space at least twice a day and disinfect regularly

Supplementary Rules for Individual

1. Wear a mask

2. Disinfect your space

3. Elderly and high-risk group, to observe guidelines for distancing in daily life.

4. Maintain healthy habits in life

FIVE basic rules for Group

1. Work together as a community

2. Appoint a manager for COVID-19 prevention activities

3. Create and obey community disinfection guidelines

4. COVID-19 prevention manager to be pro-active

5. The person-in-charge and members of the community
to cooperate with the appointed manager

Common Aspects for Group Prevention:

1. Refrain from going to work/going out if you have fever/respiratory symptoms
such as cough, sore throat, etc / traveled in the last 14 days

2. Keep at least 1m/2m distance from others

3. Wash hands with running water and soap for more than 30 seconds,
or sanitize hands with hand sanitizer

4. When you cough/sneeze, cover your mouth and nose with tissue/sleeves

5. Refrain from splashing saliva (singing, screaming, etc) or
physical contact (shake hands, hug, etc)

6. Wear a mask when using indoor multi-purpose facilities

7. If you are unable to keep a distance of 2m at outdoor, please wear a mask

Let's make today a healthy and safe day for everyone

by obeying the rules of distancing in daily life!

Stay safe, everyone.

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