
[Nareu's Playlist] Recommended Music When You Take Airport Railroad (Gongdeok Station to Hongik University Station)

[Playlist by DJ Nareu]

 What songs do you listen to when you take AREX train? 

Let's check out the music that is recommended by DJ Nareu!

First song is one of the popular songs lately, Brave Girls' - Rollin'!

Bright, lively rhythm and addictive dance choreography.

Just dance anywhere if you feel excited! Spee and Nareu won't find out :)

The second song is Band Nah's Together!

This is a song that will relieve your tiredness after a long day at work.

Indie band's music is a must when you take AREX to Hongdae.

What is your playlist when you take AREX?

Share with us in the comment section!

Thanks for using AREX today. ^^

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