
[Standard Procedure of Disinfection] What is AREX disinfection activity today?

 [Standard Procedure of Disinfection]

In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, AREX carries out daily disinfection activity.

Today, AREX follows the standard procedure of disinfection, and completed the disinfection activity.

What's the disinfection activity for today?

Let's check it out together.

Today, AREX disinfects the trains that returned to Seoul Station.

This is the picture of us disinfecting the trains that returned to Seoul Station

Here is the checklist for disinfection activity until COVID-19 is gone.

✔ Disinfect trains that return to Seoul Station
✔ Disinfect the escalator handrails with alcohol disinfectant
✔ Disinfect the station platform
✔ Check the disinfectant mat
✔ Provide hand sanitizer and disposable vinyl gloves
✔ Disinfect the touch surfaces on ticket machine

In addition, we also carry out disinfection work on all other facilities
such as single trip ticket, gate, etc.

Day by day, we are slowly approaching the safe daily life.

Please wear the mask correctly when using the public transportation.

Stay safe, everyone.

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