
[A unique experience in Korea] Korean Foods you Might Like: Top 6

Greeting from AREX :)

The new experience we have for you today
is a list of the Top
6 Korean foods enjoyed by tourists from all over on visits to Korea!
Let’s go check them out!

Samgyetang (Ginseng Chicken Soup)

Samgyetang is one of Korea’s main health foods. It’s made by adding ingredients 
such as ginseng, jujubes, sticky rice, and garlic to chicken and heating it for a long while.

Famous people overseas have talked about samgyetang as being 

one of Korea’s most tasty foods, and this has added to its popularity even more.

Gamjatang (Pork Back-Bone Stew)

Gamjatang is made from sufficiently brewing pork back-bone and adding ingredients 
such as potatoes, outer leaves, green onions, and garlic!
The uncommon visuals will get your mouth watering right off the bat.

The broth is thoroughly soaked into the meat, and from the moment you taste it 

alongside the thick soup, watch out! You may be unable to escape the charm of pork back-bone soup.

Samgyeobsal (Grilled Pork)

This dish is similar to Western barbecue, and it’s easy yet special!
The Korean style is to add roasted garlic on top of a leaf of lettuce for a 3-way combo.

This dish is so popular that it often sits at the very top of lists detailing 

the foods foreign travelers miss the most after leaving Korea.

Bindaeddeok (Mung-Bean Pancake)

Bindaeddeok also boasts significant popularity, putting it close
 to the seafood-and-green-onion pancake and all of its different kinds of seafood.

The texture of the pork and the thickness you feel when you bite in, 

as well as the savory flavor of the mung beans, capture the taste buds of many.

Ssamjang (Korean Soybean Paste Sauce)

Ssamjang is eaten as a side dish alongside grilled meat 
such as grilled pork, ribs, or barbecued beef.
With its slightly salty and light taste, some people prefer the taste of ssamjang 

to even the taste of the meat itself.

It’s a sauce so loved that the recipe even made it on New York Times Cooking!
It’s popular due to fitting any kind of food as a result of the harmony of sweet, salty, and spicy!

Darkgangjeong (Chicken/Sweet and Sour Chicken)

‘Soul food’ for Koreans is chicken! Seasoned (yangnyeom) chicken, 
which mixes together the semi-sweet yangnyeom sauce, soy sauce, and crispy batter, 
can’t be found in any other country.

People love it so much that there’s even a ‘Chicken and Beer Tour’ available 
among Korean tour courses. 

This has been a rundown of foods that you’ve got to try when you visit Korea!

What’s the #1 food you want to try when you visit Korea?

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