
Showing posts with label Moving Walk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Moving Walk. Show all posts

[AREX 999] AREX Safety Guide Ep. 7_ Escalator and Moving Walk Safety Tips

Greeting from AREX :)

Today’s post from AREX Safety Guide
will be on the safety precautions you should remember when using an escalator or moving walk.

So here are some basic rules and tips
that will help you use these convenient facilities safely!

Escalator and Moving Walk Safety Tips 1

The elderly, people with disabilities and young children
may require some assistance on an escalator or moving walk.

Do not walk or run on an escalator or moving walk,
as you may collide with someone or your clothing may get caught in the moving parts.

Escalator and Moving Walk Safety Tips 2

Hold on to the handrail and do not move your body (incl. arms) beyond the rail.
If you have a large bag, luggage, etc. with you, grab on to is so that it does not fall over.

You might lose your balance if the escalator or moving walk stops all of a sudden,
so always be careful when you are on one.

Escalator and Moving Walk Safety Tips 3

Do not place your feet past the yellow safety line.
Do not use the emergency stop button, unless it really is an emergency.

If you move your feet past the yellow safety line, your shoes might get caught in the moving steps, etc.
Also, pressing the emergency stop button for no apparent reason might make people fall and sustain injuries.
*Make sure to use the emergency stop button only in the event of an emergency.

Escalator and Moving Walk Safety Tips 4

If you fall on the escalator,
grab the handrail for support and try to get up as quickly as possible.

If a piece of your clothing, or shoelace, etc. gets stuck in the escalator,
remove it as quickly as you can before seeking safety.

In the event of an accident on the escalator or moving walk,
shout and ask someone to press the emergency stop button.
Use the emergency interphone to report the incident to the station staff.

So remember these safety precautions when using an escalator or moving walk.

Stay safe with AREX Safety Guide! :)

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