
Showing posts with label Safety Guide. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Safety Guide. Show all posts

[AREX 999] Etiquette and Accident Prevention on the AREX

Greeting from AREX :)

Safety Guide No. 10 is about etiquette and accident prevention on the AREX. :)
There are some things to consider while riding on the AREX 
and carrying your luggage during your trip.

Shall we take a look?

Carrier Etiquette Within the AREX Trains 1

Riding the AREX with a carrier.
Placing it between your legs and taking a seat can make riding 
the train uncomfortable for others.

If you have a lot of luggage, please use the suitcase storage area 
that has been installed within the cabins.

Carrier Etiquette Within the AREX Trains 2

Riding the AREX with a carrier.

If one is not careful and holding onto one’s luggage, 
that carrier may roll away and hit or injure other passengers or 
cause an accident.  Therefore, be sure to always hold onto your luggage.

Carrier Etiquette Within the AREX Trains 3

Using the AREX Escalators

Carelessly not holding on to the carrier’s handles can 
lead to serious injuries of others.  Therefore, 
please be sure to hold your luggage with one hand 
and the escalator rail with your other.

Besides AREX’s own etiquette, how about we look at 
what is the standard etiquette while riding the subway?

Standard Subway Etiquette 1

While using the subway, trying to board the trains 
before passengers have a chance to deboard can 
cause others to fall or accidentally step between the platform
 and the train, thus causing an accident. 

Therefore, please wait to the side of the train doors 
until passengers have deboarded the train before getting on.

Standard Subway Etiquette 2

While riding on the trains, speaking loudly on the phone, 
listening to music, watching videos, etc. can disturb other passengers.

As such, please speak quietly on the phone and listening 
to music or watch videos only while using earphones.

Standard Subway Etiquette 3

Wearing a Large Backpack With Many Passengers on the Train
Even though it’s not your intention, you can hit other passengers 
and take up a great deal of space, thus making others uncomfortable. 
As such, it is best to take off and hold one’s backpack if it is large.

Standard Subway Etiquette 4

Etiquette to Not Taking Free Rides on Public Trans
To prevent taking free rides on the subway, the fines are much greater 
than the cost to ride the trains. As such, please make sure to use a transportation card!

That all for now on the etiquette and ways to prevent accidents 
you need to know while riding the AREX and subways.
Until the day we are all safer!
AREX’s safety guides will continue on :)

Get more details about AREX from the AREX homepage.


Great travels brought to you by AREX.

[AREX 999] AREX Safety Guide Ep. 9_ Things to Remember when Using Elevators

Greeting from AREX :)

Let’s jump right into this 9-part safety guide!
These are some things to keep in mind when using elevators.

Let’s look at some things to remember when using elevators as well as 
what to do if an accident happens.

Things to Remember when Using Elevators: #1

Do not lean on or push the doors of the elevator.

Doing so creates danger of an accident or bumping into other people waiting,
and it could lead to collateral damage.

Furthermore, if a problem occurs and the elevator stops operating,
you may lose your balance and fall over, so please be careful.

Things to Remember when Using Elevators: #2

You must follow the rules on the inside of the elevator.
As well as children, even adults often fail to follow these rules,
which frequently causes accidents.

Make sure to take proper caution when getting on and off as it’s difficult to properly deal 
with an accident once it’s occurred in a sealed space like an elevator.

Things to Remember when Using Elevators: #3
Do not jump or play around inside of the elevator.

Children are especially likely to jump or play around inside elevators, 
and this may be more dangerous in the event of an accident, meaning the help 
and action of parents or other adults is needed.

Things to Remember when Using Elevators: #4

Make sure that your hands and feet, the ends of your clothes, 
or personal belongings, etc. do not get caught in the door.
As well as escalators, accidents also occur in elevators 
as a result of the ends of clothes or shoulder straps, etc.

Some people also occasionally stick their hands in to the door 
as it’s closing in order to avoid just missing the elevator.
This can potentially cause a major accident,
and you should check whether any personal items, the ends of your clothes, 
or anything else has gotten caught in the doors when boarding the elevator.

Things to Remember when Using Elevators: #5

If a fire has broken out, you will need to take the emergency stairway, not the elevator.
When a fire has broken out, attempting to use an elevator to quickly evacuate 
or in a commotion is a shortcut to an even bigger disaster.

In a situation like this, it’s important to quickly evacuate using the emergency stairs.
To allow the team in charge of suppressing the fire to move in,
you’ll need to move orderly on one side.

Things to Remember when Using Elevators: #6

If you’re stuck in an elevator, the safest thing to do is 
to make a call using the intercom and calmly wait.

If the elevator has stopped due to a certain disaster 
or an equipment malfunction, the most important thing 
to do is to stay calm and handle the situation accordingly.

The safest thing to do in this situation is to press the emergency button inside the elevator 
and then use the intercom to inform others of your situation.

There is an emergency button and intercom outside the elevator as well, 
which allows for quick and safe handling of the situation from outside the elevator 
as well once discovered.

This has been a rundown of things to remember when using elevators.

These safety guides are made by the Airport Railroad to protect your safety,
and there will be more coming. :)

Get more details about AREX from the AREX homepage.


Great travels brought to you by AREX.

[AREX 999] AREX Safety Guide Ep. 7_ Escalator and Moving Walk Safety Tips

Greeting from AREX :)

Today’s post from AREX Safety Guide
will be on the safety precautions you should remember when using an escalator or moving walk.

So here are some basic rules and tips
that will help you use these convenient facilities safely!

Escalator and Moving Walk Safety Tips 1

The elderly, people with disabilities and young children
may require some assistance on an escalator or moving walk.

Do not walk or run on an escalator or moving walk,
as you may collide with someone or your clothing may get caught in the moving parts.

Escalator and Moving Walk Safety Tips 2

Hold on to the handrail and do not move your body (incl. arms) beyond the rail.
If you have a large bag, luggage, etc. with you, grab on to is so that it does not fall over.

You might lose your balance if the escalator or moving walk stops all of a sudden,
so always be careful when you are on one.

Escalator and Moving Walk Safety Tips 3

Do not place your feet past the yellow safety line.
Do not use the emergency stop button, unless it really is an emergency.

If you move your feet past the yellow safety line, your shoes might get caught in the moving steps, etc.
Also, pressing the emergency stop button for no apparent reason might make people fall and sustain injuries.
*Make sure to use the emergency stop button only in the event of an emergency.

Escalator and Moving Walk Safety Tips 4

If you fall on the escalator,
grab the handrail for support and try to get up as quickly as possible.

If a piece of your clothing, or shoelace, etc. gets stuck in the escalator,
remove it as quickly as you can before seeking safety.

In the event of an accident on the escalator or moving walk,
shout and ask someone to press the emergency stop button.
Use the emergency interphone to report the incident to the station staff.

So remember these safety precautions when using an escalator or moving walk.

Stay safe with AREX Safety Guide! :)

Get more details about AREX from the AREX homepage.


Great travels brought to you by AREX.