
Showing posts with label Safety Guide. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Safety Guide. Show all posts

[AREX 999] AREX Safety Guide Ep. 6 _ CPR & AED

 Greeting from AREX :)

In this post, we will tell you how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR),
an important lifesaving technique that serves useful in emergency situations. 

How to Perform CPR
Step #1

If someone has collapsed, gently tap his/her shoulder to check for consciousness.

If the individual is unresponsive, ask someone around you to call 119
and bring you an automated external defibrillator (AED).

Then, check whether the individual is breathing normally.

Because it is difficult for non-medical professionals to determine “normal breathing,”
we advise that you obtain help from the emergency dispatcher on the line. 

 How to Perform CPR
Step #2

If it is deemed that the individual is not breathing properly,
interlace your fingers and compress his/her chest 30 times.

The depth of compression should be around 5cm
and pressure should be applied at a rate of 100~120 times/min.

After compressing the chest 30 times,
tilt the individual’s head back and lift the chin up to open the airway.

It is recommended that you place one hand on the forehead and gently lift the chin using your index and middle fingers.

Grab the individual’s nose and breathe into the mouth for 1 second,
while checking for the chest to rise.
(If you do not know how to perform artificial ventilation or hesitate to perform it, then perform only chest compressions.)

 How to Perform CPR
Step #3

Continue the chest compressions and artificial ventilation
until the 119 paramedics arrive.

If the individual begins breathing again before the 119 paramedics arrive,
turn him/her to his/her side to prevent the airway from becoming obstructed.

How to Use AED:
Step #1

When an automated external defibrillator (AED) is brought to you during CPR,
place it at a location where it won’t interfere with the CPR and turn it on.

Remove the individual’s top.
Place one of the pads below the right clavicle
and the other below the nipple along the midline of the armpit.

 How to Use AED:
Step #2

While the AED analyzes the ECG,
wait without making any contact with the individual.

If an electric shock is necessary, there will be a voice message, “Electric shock is necessary,”
and the AED will become charged automatically.

Once it’s fully charged, you will hear the message, “Press the Shock button.”
Press the Shock button, as instructed.

 How to Use AED:
Step #3

When you hear the voice message, “Check the patient’s condition and resume CPR,” after the shock,
immediately resume CPR.

When the Shock button on the AED blinks during CPR,
press it again to deliver another shock.

Repeat until the 119 paramedics arrive on the scene.

We hope you found the tips on how to perform CPR and use an AED useful.

Familiarize yourself with these tips
so that you can save a life in the event of an emergency!

Stay safe with AREX Safety Guide!

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Great travels brought to you by AREX.

[AREX 999] Safety Guide Part 5: Platform Safety Gate Regulations

 Greeting from AREX :)

Whenever you board the train, you pass through a safety gate.

So, today I will tell you about what kind of rules exist for these safety gates 
as well as how to use any equipment and evacuate in case of an emergency.

Platform Safety Gate Rule 1

In case of an emergency, use the emergency door opening device to
open the train door and make your evacuation.

Platform Safety Gate Rule 2

If by chance the train comes to an abrupt stop or the safety gates do not open,
push the emergency door panic bar or use
the emergency hammer to break open the emergency door and exit the train.

Platform Safety Gate Rule 3

If by chance you become stuck between the safety gate and the train door,
use the emergency call button or the emergency interphone 
to swiftly alert personnel while immediately opening the door to help the stuck passenger escape.

Platform Safety Gate Rule 4

Rushing to board the train while the safety gate is 
closing can get you stuck in the door and lead to an accident.
Please also keep safety in mind when you get on and off of the train.

That’s all for now about the rules for use of the platform safety gates.
I will continue to make safety guides for all of you!

Get more details about AREX from the AREX homepage.


Great travels brought to you by AREX.

AREX Safety Guide #4 Introduction to Safety Facilities Within the Subway Train

In 2019, AREX was selected as a top institution in terms of disaster management.

AREX takes responsibility for the safety of all of you,
So let’s take a look at each of safety facilities within the trains

Safety Facilities Within the Passenger Cars

1.     Door Emergency Handle

Do not panic in case of an emergency, but, rather, open the cover on the door emergency handle and turn it to the right.  The door may now be opened manually and with ease.

2. Fire Extinguishers at Either Side of the Passenger Cars

If a small fire breaks out, swiftly extinguish it by using the fire extinguishers on either side of the car so that the fire does not grow larger.

3. Emergency Call Devices on Either Side of the Passenger Cars

In case of an emergency, you may use the emergency call devices on either side of the passenger cars to speak with an engineer.

4. Fire Detector Within the Trains

The fire detectors within the passenger cars can detect both smoke and heat and will alert the engineer room, thus making handling a swift evacuation possible.

Apart from the safety facilities within the passenger cars, there is also emergency equipment within the engineer’s cabin.

Emergency Equipment Within the Engineer’s Cabin

1. Gas Masks

Gas masks are located in both engineer rooms on either side of trains so that passengers may use them in case of an emergency.

2. Emergency Folding Stretchers

Stretchers are available for passengers in serious condition so that they may swiftly be rescued.

3. Outside Emergency Ladder

Emergency ladders are located on either side of the train in the engineer rooms
Allowing for passengers to evacuate in case of a fire or other emergency.

This concludes our talk on the safety facilities available within the AREX subway trains. :)

Get more details about AREX from the AREX homepage.


Great travels brought to you by AREX.