
Showing posts with label safety equipment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label safety equipment. Show all posts

AREX Safety Guide #4 Introduction to Safety Facilities Within the Subway Train

In 2019, AREX was selected as a top institution in terms of disaster management.

AREX takes responsibility for the safety of all of you,
So let’s take a look at each of safety facilities within the trains

Safety Facilities Within the Passenger Cars

1.     Door Emergency Handle

Do not panic in case of an emergency, but, rather, open the cover on the door emergency handle and turn it to the right.  The door may now be opened manually and with ease.

2. Fire Extinguishers at Either Side of the Passenger Cars

If a small fire breaks out, swiftly extinguish it by using the fire extinguishers on either side of the car so that the fire does not grow larger.

3. Emergency Call Devices on Either Side of the Passenger Cars

In case of an emergency, you may use the emergency call devices on either side of the passenger cars to speak with an engineer.

4. Fire Detector Within the Trains

The fire detectors within the passenger cars can detect both smoke and heat and will alert the engineer room, thus making handling a swift evacuation possible.

Apart from the safety facilities within the passenger cars, there is also emergency equipment within the engineer’s cabin.

Emergency Equipment Within the Engineer’s Cabin

1. Gas Masks

Gas masks are located in both engineer rooms on either side of trains so that passengers may use them in case of an emergency.

2. Emergency Folding Stretchers

Stretchers are available for passengers in serious condition so that they may swiftly be rescued.

3. Outside Emergency Ladder

Emergency ladders are located on either side of the train in the engineer rooms
Allowing for passengers to evacuate in case of a fire or other emergency.

This concludes our talk on the safety facilities available within the AREX subway trains. :)

Get more details about AREX from the AREX homepage.


Great travels brought to you by AREX.

AREX Safety Guide Part 2: Evacuation In Case of Fire in the Station

This is AREX . :)
Last time we went over the general safety procedures within the subway trains!

Today, we will go over the safety procedures that will help us avoid injury and evacuate in case of the sudden outbreak of a fire~!

In Case of Fire Within the Train

1. In case of the sudden outbreak of a fire within the train, use one of the emergency bells located at either end of every train to alert the engineer!

A reckless evacuation can cause chaos!
In case of an accident, calmly alert the engineer of the situation and safely evacuate according to his or her instructions!

2. Please use the fire extinguishers located at either end of the trains to extinguish any small fires.

Before a small fire spreads into a larger one, please extinguish any fires by using the fire extinguishers at either end of the train. : )

3. If the situation arises, evacuate through the train doors after manually opening the doors.

After a fire occurs, according to the situation we must open the doors manually and exit.  After exiting the train, evacuate while being cautious of the train, level of the ground, and of any trains coming from the opposite direction!

We will also go over the evacuation procedures in case of a fire within the station and outside of the train. : )

In Case of Fire Within the Station

1. If a fire breaks out, please push the emergency button above the fire hydrant.

In case of a fire within the station, push the emergency button and alert all people within the area.
When the fire alarm rings, safely and swiftly evacuate. 

2. Alert a worker at the station of the situation by using one of the emergency telephones installed in the station.

Alert the worker at the station by using the emergency telephone and then call 119. Follow the station worker’s and the fireman’s direction to safely evacuate.

3. In case of emergency, evacuate using the safety equipment in the station.

In case of a crisis, use the safety equipment, such as respirators, fire masks, etc., installed at the platforms and evacuate.

Correctly handling a fire is important, however not having a fire occur in the first place is the number one priority.

We have now gone over the evacuation procedures in case of a fire within the station.

You can find information on how to travel comfortably on AREX’s homepage.

Great travels brought to you by AREX.